Please select our nearest branch located for you.
Exchange rate may vary, please make reservation for your purchase
Gedung ITC BSD, Lt. Dasar Blok A3 No.1-2, Jl. Pahlawan seribu no.12, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, 15310
Currency | We Buy | We Sell |
USD 100 | 15.300,00 | 15.380,00 |
SGD 100 | 11.820,00 | 11.880,00 |
MYR 100 | 3.570,00 | 3.620,00 |
EUR 100 | 17.000,00 | 17.150,00 |
JPY 10000 | 107,50 | 109,50 |
KRW 50000 | 11,40 | 11,95 |
THB 1000 | 458,00 | 466,00 |
TWD 1000 | 470,00 | 490,00 |
HKD 1000 | 1.960,00 | 1.990,00 |
CNY 100 | 2.155,00 | 2.195,00 |
AUD 100 | 10.330,00 | 10.430,00 |
GBP 50 | 20.100,00 | 20.400,00 |
SAR 500 | 4.000,00 | 4.100,00 |
AED 100 | 4.100,00 | 4.200,00 |
PHP 1000 | 250,00 | 300,00 |
TRY 100 | 420,00 | 520,00 |
VND 500000 | 0,50 | 0,85 |
Note: All Banknotes are subject to verify in our store, exchange rates may vary due to different condition of each banknotes